Say hey (Think a bad thought / Ignore him) / Ignore him.Tell a joke (Relationship Points Isabella -1 if dtype more than 1) / Ask about library card.Compliment her (Relationship Points Jill +1 if dtype below 0r Relationship Points Jill -1) / Introduce yourselfīuy “Take notes for the nerds”, you will earn money every lesson you follow.Mock him (Relationship Points Jocks -1) / Calm him down.+1 DIK point if you use the cheat 1st move, -1 if not Continue the Being a DIK Walkthrough & Endings 5 letter words: Sight, Light, Gilts, also Hilts.4 letter words: Gilt, Gist, Gits, Hilt, Hits, List, Shit, Sigh, Silt, Slit, also This.3 letter words: Git, His, Hit, Its, Lit, also Sit.Check her out (Relationship Points Maya -1) / Say hi.Get mad (Relationship Points Derek -1) / Ignore him.Just my type / I’m more into milfs like Cathy (dream scenes > titjobs with Jade 1st option, ôr femdom with Cathy 2nd).That’s superficial (Relationship Points Sage -1) / I haven’t made any friends yet.Why do you date him (Relationship Points Sage +1 if you are a dick, if not Relationship Points Sage -1) / Don’t inquire.Tell a joke (Relationship Points Sage +1 if you are a dick) / Don’t push it.Intervene (Relationship Points Jocks -1) (Relationship Points Sage +1) / Keep quiet (if you Intervened).Hug her (Relationship Points Maya +1) (requires dtype below 1) / Bye.Cool / Compliment her (Relationship Points Maya +1).Really / Tell a joke (Relationship Points Maya +1).Check her panties (Relationship Points Maya -1) / Chek her out (Relationship Points Maya +1) / Don’t push your luck.Check her out (not if 0 dtype) / Don’t push oyur luck.Flirt with her (Relationship Points Josy +1 (requires dtype below 1), Relationship Points Josy -1 otherwise)/ Don’t push your luck.

Our walkthrough will cover all of the major plot points and reveal the different endings you can unlock, as well as provide insights on how to successfully pursue each of the game’s romantic interests. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions and helpful tips to navigate through the game’s complex storyline and make the right decisions to achieve your desired outcome. Welcome to the ultimate walkthrough guide for Being a DIK, the popular adult visual novel game developed by DrPinkCake. Being a Dik Walkthrough Being a DIK Walkthrough
You can also browse our Being a DIK cheat console commands guide here, and our Being a DIK vault code combinations guide here. This guide, Episodes 1 to 8 Being DIK and Endings will show you tips, choices and secrets to reach the highest levels in all in-game relationships and unlock all available scenes in the game. Welcome to our Being a Dik Walkthrough guide.