Catholic teaching on withholding food to hasten death
Catholic teaching on withholding food to hasten death

catholic teaching on withholding food to hasten death

I sensed that what was unfolding before my eyes is the way God wants life to be-and children were leading the way! They didn’t need behavioral psychologists or "experts" to show them how to include children with disabilities. The children simply took each others’ differences in stride and played together. It was good not to see a “program” or “strategy” to include them. One child had a withered arm, a second had cerebral palsy, a third with Down’s while a fourth child was deaf. I noticed four children with visible disabilities in the mi ddle of playful mayhem. To be surrounded by such childhood joy warmed my heart too. Zoom! It was so good to be alive and breathe in the fresh October air it was good to feel the sun’s warmth on my back before a long Canadian winter. My wee grand-daughter stood at the top of a slide waiting for me to look at her before she slid down laughing. “Look at me!” cried my grandson as he hung upside down from the monkey-bars. I had to watch from the safety of the grass because my wheelchair would get bogged down in the soft sand.

catholic teaching on withholding food to hasten death

The plac e was packed with children of various ages having fun at afternoon recess. I took my grandson and grand-daughter to a playground at a nearby elementary school one child sat on my lap while the other stood on the back of my electric wheelchair as we whizzed our way to the playground.

catholic teaching on withholding food to hasten death

It was a beautiful sunny day for a man to be at a playground with his preschool grandchildren. Vatican document about nutrition and hydration ( ) See Catechism of the Catholic Church (Nos 2276-2279). Until then, I must file it under ‘hearsay’ and invite all Catholic health acute care hospitals, nursing homes and auxiliary health facilities to take the high road and behave according to the direction of Catholic moral teaching and not participate or advocate any practice designed to hasten a patient’s death. X to write to me at my personal Email address so we can discuss the substance of his letter more. If the accusation is not true and I identify the facility, I would have brought discredit upon a reputable Catholic health institution. That’s why I am not identifying the facility that was named. I do not even know if he is actually a priest: the letter was signed Fr. What am I supposed to do with it? I can’t approach the case manager of the facility the mystery priest identified. Unfortunately, the anonymous nature of the letter is cowardly. Pursuing the deaths of patients must stop. After all, hospital beds are at a premium. I am inclined to think that there may have been occasions where some Catholic health care facilities may have played loose with their understanding of Catholic teaching on withholding food and water from dying people to in order to hasten their deaths, and feigned moral confusion. The Vatican said unequivocally (as they have before) that maintaining that providing nutrition and hydration to dying people is morally obligatory. I don’t know, but after the Vatican recently cleared any confusion that may have existed about withholding food and water from patients, we must demand adherence to Church teaching in Catholic health care institutions. Withholding food and hydration is nothing short of torture and murder.Īssuming Father X is legitimate should I believe the letter? The case manager of that facility says that patients die quicker without water. It was appalling.”Īpparently another Roman Catholic facility encourages families not to hydrate dying family members.

catholic teaching on withholding food to hasten death

run institution.” Father X said he knows of a Canadian Catholic hospital where a nun was denied any hydration because she was dying he informed me that the Sister’s “lips were cracked, etc. He corrected me by saying said that “it is not a given thing that hydration etc. He was wary – for whatever reason - of identifying himself. I was led to believe the author was a priest. Shortly after publication, I received a letter in an envelope with no return address. Or to use the words of Pope John Paul, "A man, even if seriously ill or disabled in the exercise of his higher functions, is and always will be a man, and he will never become a "vegetable" or an "animal." They will not let my humanity be diminished or stripped from me. “no matter how far my aggressive, degenerative multiple sclerosis goes, my Church a nd Catholic health care providers (or Muslim health care providers for that matter) will stand for my inherent human dignity and my right to proper, caring and humane medical care. It dealt with the subject of euthanasia by withholding food and water from dying or disabled people. One of my recent articles was published under the title “Withholding water and nutrition means murder” (see ). I write a column for Canada’s Western Catholic Reporter newspaper.

Catholic teaching on withholding food to hasten death